Cheeky Spanking Stories DISCONTINUED
From naughty and nice to fabulously kinky, these stingingly good Cheeky Spanking Stories from Cleis Press will please aficionadoes as well as readers new to the ecstatic delights of the paddle, crop or hand.
A woman dresses as a man to gain access to “The Spanking Salon” in Elizabeth Coldwell’s dangerously erotic story, and her punishment is meted out stroke by stroke. The brother of a flatmate turns out to be “The Perfect Domme” in, friend of Sh!, Lucy Felthouse’s story of serendipitous sex. In Donna George Storey’s “The Assignment,” a young journalist planning an exposé on a professional spank daddy is deliciously exposed herself.
Editor of the bestselling Spanked, Bussel reflects that “there are an infinite number of ways to talk about the pleasures of spanking. Me? I get off just thinking about bending over for that special someone.”
Nobody can make you blush better than Rachel Kramer Bussel!