Jo for Her Spicy Clitoral Stimulant Warming Gel
System JO Clitoral Stimulation Gel is formulated to promote sexual sensitivity in women, resulting in a gratifying orgasmic response. It’s for any woman who wants to enhance her sexual pleasure, heighten her passion and fulfill her desire for intimacy. Applying just a drop or two will cause a warm/cooling tingling sensation resulting in increased sexual pleasure and satisfaction. It begins to take effect in 3-5 minutes and can last up to 45 minutes.
- The only silicone-based stimulating gel
- No L-Arginine
- Tested for effectiveness
- PH balanced and hormone-free
- Safe for use with condoms
- 30 to 40 applications
Container Size: 0.34 ounces
Ingredients: Polydimethylsilozane, Decamethylcyclopentasiloxane, Octamethylcyclotetrasiloxane, Dimethylsiloxane Hydroxy-Terminated, Peppermint, Oleoresins Capsicum.